Thursday, 15 October 2015

4 Ways To Get Paintings Done Faster

1. Work on several paintings at a time
It goes without saying that the more you have to do, the more you get done. When you have more than one project to finish, you find that you become more productive because there's more pressure on you to get the work done. If you're working on just one painting, you don't really feel as much pressure to get it done because there's nothing else vying for your attention and time. While you're waiting for one painting to dry, you can carry on working on another one. It's easy to have several paintings on the go at once, especially if you are using similar colours and techniques for more than one painting.

2. Make a plan and stick to it
It's very easy to get started on a painting and to come up with new ideas along the way. The only bad thing about coming up with ideas along the way and incorporating them into your painting is that this takes up extra time. If you come up with a fixed plan of what your painting's going to be like and run with that plan without letting yourself getting distracted by new ideas, you're going to get the painting finished a lot faster. Sure, this does mean compromising on creativity and spontaneity a bit, but if you want to get a painting done quickly, you have to be prepared to compromise on something. If you're more organised with your approach to painting and can get your ideas together before you start work, you should be able to finish your painting a lot sooner than usual.

3. Use a larger brush
Using a larger brush is a great way to save on time when working on a painting. Use a larger brush for areas of your painting where there isn't much in the way of finer details. Even if you just use a larger brush for creating washes and background layers, this can still save a lot of time if you're used to doing this with a smaller brush. Don't think that using a larger brush will compromise on the quality of your painting: you can still create a wonderful, immersive and beautiful painting regardless of the size of the brush you use. It's all about how you use the brush, not what size it is.

4. Get rid of distractions
Even though many painters like to get in the zone when working, all it takes is a phone going off for that concentration to be broken. When painting, make sure there's nothing around you that could distract you. By all means, have breaks every so often when you can go on your phone and do whatever you want to take your mind off painting. The trick to being more productive is separating your time into work and play. Distractions blend the two together and make it harder for you to focus and be productive. If you regularly get messages on your phone, turn it off for an hour or two. If you get distracted by what's on TV, turn it off. Place that book you can't stop reading in another room. Once you've got rid of distractions, you'll be able to work on your painting more productively and you should be able to get it finished sooner.

Joanne Perkins is a Berkshire-based artist with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. She specialises in painting Berkshire landscapes and loves capturing the natural beauty of her local countryside. She is happy to accept all queries and questions. For more information about Joanne, her work and her current projects visit: Joanne can be found on Facebook

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